Looking for Spinoza, Joy, Sorrow and the Feeling Brain
London: Vintage, Random House
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London: Vintage, Random House
description, concept, definition
Caroline Nevejan –
In 2004 an amazing article was written, 'The Layers of Presence: A Bio-cultural Approach to Understanding Presence in Natural and ...
description, citation, conclusion, theory
Caroline Nevejan –
Damasio describes how things that happen to a human being are labelled in two basic ways in our brain on a neurobiological level: ...
Antonio Damasio –
London: Vintage, Random House
description, citation, argument, general history
Caroline Nevejan, Giuseppe Riva, John A. Waterworth, Eva L. Waterworth –
Riva, Waterworth and Waterworth were inspired by Damasio in their proposal for a deeper understanding of Presence. After having studied ...
Caroline Nevejan –
Hackers were a new phenomenon for the media at the time, while there was enough awareness that computers had become more and more ...
As a church it was used by the ‘Vrije Gemeente’, a Christian community which was inspired by the Enlightenment. Evidence of the way ...
My sister, Maartje Nevejan who was attending the GHP, remembers this as a moment of euphoria she compares with the feeling she had when ...
Caroline Nevejan –
When reading these messages, the techno-biographical layer of this research calls for attention. These emails make me shiver; a feeling ...
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