Release 2.0, a design for living in the digital age
New York: Broadway Books
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New York: Broadway Books
description, argument, theory
Caroline Nevejan –
A variety of sciences and practices can be understood from a presence perspective, as has been stated above. This study focuses on ...
Neal Stephenson –
New York: Bantam Books
Caroline Nevejan –
To be able to act and receive feedback, and to be able to contextualize how one relates to other human beings, is essential when living ...
description, question
Caroline Nevejan –
In 1999 I started working for the University of Professional Education in Amsterdam and through this institution I was involved in the ...
Design research and the project management of design trajectories has been subject of many books and conferences. This is a rough sketch ...
Design research and the project management of design trajectories have been subject of many books and conferences. This is a rough ...
description, collective history
Caroline Nevejan –
The same week a more formal Paradiso press release concerning the ICATA '89 stated the following: On August 2, 3 & 4 1989, a ...
Pekka Himanen –
New York: Random House
description, citation, argument
Caroline Nevejan, Peter Lunenfeld –
Because of the development of digital technology, design practice has changed rapidly over the last two decades: the tools used to ...
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