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Riva, Giuseppe, John A. Waterworth and Eva L. Waterworth. 2004. The Layers of Presence: A Bio–cultural Approach to Understanding Presence in Natural and Mediated Environments. In CyberPsychology & Behavior (7) 4: 402–416.
description, concept, definition
Caroline Nevejan –
In 2004 an amazing article was written, 'The Layers of Presence: A Bio-cultural Approach to Understanding Presence in Natural and ...
description, argument, theory
Caroline Nevejan, Donna Haraway –
Another element in thinking about natural presence in modern life is elaborated upon by Donna Haraway. She argues that technologies have ...
description, citation, argument, general history
Caroline Nevejan, Giuseppe Riva, John A. Waterworth, Eva L. Waterworth –
Riva, Waterworth and Waterworth were inspired by Damasio in their proposal for a deeper understanding of Presence. After having studied ...