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  • 822

    Caroline Nevejan –

    Natural presence is distinct and grounds ethical behaviour in one's own, as well as other people's, survival. Mediated presence can ...

  • 824

    Caroline Nevejan –

    Through mediating presence one can reach out to another human being in different time/space configurations, which a meeting in natural ...

  • 826

    Caroline Nevejan –

    In natural presence, being a witness includes having a responsibility for what happens subsequently and people sense this. In mediated ...

  • 823

    Caroline Nevejan –

    Before analysing the case studies I was inclined to think that we, as human beings, were dealing with multiple presences that each have ...

  • 825

    Caroline Nevejan –

    Through witnessing each other, in mediated and in natural presence, people construct shared realities. Witnessing in natural presence ...