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Caroline Nevejan is the author of the here presented dissertation. Nevejan is an independent researcher and designer, working in an international context from out Amsterdam.
Nevejan, Caroline and Patrice Riemens. 1989. Foreword. In The Seropositive Ball, An impressionn of the 69–hour seropositieve ball held at Paradiso in June 1990, ed. Heleen Riper, David Garcia and Patrice Riemens, 5–7. Amsterdam: Center for Innovation and Cooperative Technology of the University of Amsterdam.
Nevejan, Caroline and Patrice Riemens. 1995. Vital Information for social survival. In Essays on Communicatiion, Chitrabani Jubilee Book, ed. Gaston Roberge. Calcutta: Chitrabani.
Nevejan, Caroline. 2001. Synchroon and Asynchroon, Onderwijsvernieuwing in de informatiesamenleving. Amsterdam: Hogeschool van Amsterdam.
Caroline Nevejan –
The game night that evening did not take place, as it should have done. With all the hassle to make the technology work, with so many ...
description, collective history
Caroline Nevejan –
While I was associated and involved with Internet design over the last 15 years I observed hype after hype arise. New tools shed new ...
description, general history
Caroline Nevejan –
Amsterdam, the capital of the social democracy of the Netherlands, had a marked climate of tolerance at the time; for centuries, and ...
argument, subjective, collective history
Caroline Nevejan –
This trustworthiness becomes even more important when one wants to work together online, make live connections, get hardware installed ...
description, argument, collective history, techno-biography
Caroline Nevejan –
Since there would be so much 'action' in San Francisco, both in the streets with ACT NOW and in the formal Conference, and the time ...
description, conclusion
Caroline Nevejan –
Through mediating presence one can reach out to another human being in different time/space configurations, which a meeting in natural ...
Caroline Nevejan –
When they are involved in mediated presence people accept a partial perception of other human beings and of themselves. Technology does ...
Caroline Nevejan –
For the accomplishment of an act, an actor is dependent of the work of other actors. When collaborating incommensurability (a ...
description, concept, definition
Caroline Nevejan –
The broad spectrum of information and communication technologies can be divided into three groups of technologies from the perspective ...
Caroline Nevejan –
For such political spaces to work they have to give people an experience, as was my conviction in 1989. Having studied social sciences ...
concept, argument
Caroline Nevejan –
In 1955, J.L. Austin formulated the notion of 'performativity' in a series of lectures at Harvard University. They were published in the ...
concept, argument, theory, parresia, text laboratory
Caroline Nevejan –
To be able to gather the crucial network, I looked for 'the third point' in the conferences I orchestrated. This is the point that all ...
concept, proposal, theory
Caroline Nevejan –
In this section, I return to trust as such. In chapter 1 I wrote that the title of this dissertation "Presence and the Design of ...
description, personal history, collective history
Caroline Nevejan –
My personal professional history during these 15 years has been characterized by affiliations to four organizations, which have each ...
Caroline Nevejan –
In the small auditorium was the hack room. Participants were invited to bring their computer and hook it up to the network. Incoming ...
Caroline Nevejan –
The word 'design' in the research question of this study refers to the practice of creating experiences for people by making products or ...
description, concept, definition
Caroline Nevejan –
In 2004 an amazing article was written, 'The Layers of Presence: A Bio-cultural Approach to Understanding Presence in Natural and ...
Caroline Nevejan –
On the first day 140 three-day passes were sold for fl 25,00 note 102 each and 154 one-day tickets for fl 10,00 each. The second day ...
description, collective history
Caroline Nevejan –
In March and April 1990 we approached many people and organizations and we found that after a good conversation many people appreciated ...
description, argument, collective history
Caroline Nevejan –
People, who are not part of a profession, hardly ever realize how thinking is a part of everyday routine in a certain practice. We may ...
concept, argument
Caroline Nevejan –
The blurring between You and not-You creates confusions as well as solutions. In not-You spaces trust is delegated, moral distance is ...
Caroline Nevejan –
The morning was supposed to be taken up with an in depth talk by Professor Hamelink, Professor Boafo and their students about the ...
citation, theory
Peter Lunenfeld, Caroline Nevejan –
Lunenfeld argues for a deeper understanding of design from a historical and aesthetic perspective. "Even more important than ...
description, concept, methodology, collective history
Caroline Nevejan –
The two case studies were produced in the context of Paradiso and in collaboration with many other partners in Amsterdam and abroad. It ...
argument, subjective, collective history
Caroline Nevejan –
At the GHP I was actually surprised so many times by the trust people placed in each other, which became clear to me because people put ...
argument, key-informants, conclusion, theory
Caroline Nevejan –
Mediated presence requires focused attention, IJsselsteijn argues (IJsselsteijn 2005). This was hard to generate in the midst of all the ...
description, conclusion
Caroline Nevejan –
Mediated presence is dependent upon technology, which has to function as expected. It requires expertise, resources and good production ...
description, concept, theory
Caroline Nevejan –
'I could not go to sleep because the lady in the television set asked me to stay and watch a bit longer', said the aging mother of a ...
Caroline Nevejan –
Diagram 1: every medium uses distinct time-space configurations
Caroline Nevejan –
When actors have conversations about 'what to do' and 'how to do it', these also include the 'what would be good to do' and this is a ...
description, argument, collective history
Caroline Nevejan –
In automation and transaction technologies a series of predefined actions has to be executed to allow a certain person to do something. ...
description, argument
Caroline Nevejan –
It is like organizing a party. The infrastructure has to be there, one can put a lot of care into extra ingredients like food, an ...
description, argument, subjective, collective history
Caroline Nevejan –
This picture-phone connection was not documented in the proceedings, nor was it announced in the programme. It did not crop up in any of ...
proposal, argument
Caroline Nevejan –
The fact that experiences change children’s physical well–being has been agreed on in child psychology and in pedagogy for several ...
methodology, collective history, question
Caroline Nevejan –
The staging of 'networked' performances was especially useful because fundamental issues could be explored in short periods of time. ...
theory, question
Caroline Nevejan –
In the performing arts the "Unity of Time, Place and Action", which is attributed to Aristotle even though he did not actually ...
Caroline Nevejan –
Each of the three days had a theme. The first day was "To byte or not to byte", about the relationship between man and machine ...
description, general history
Caroline Nevejan –
As a concept, presence does not only have philosophical, biological, psychological and technological dimensions. It also affects ...
description, citation, argument, general history
Caroline Nevejan, Giuseppe Riva, John A. Waterworth, Eva L. Waterworth –
Riva, Waterworth and Waterworth were inspired by Damasio in their proposal for a deeper understanding of Presence. After having studied ...
description, collective history
Caroline Nevejan –
The formal programme was orchestrated in the large auditorium at Paradiso. Debates, supported by presentations on the big screen were ...
description, collective history
Caroline Nevejan –
When inviting a diverse group of people and professionals to collaborate, the issue of conveying trustworthiness between different ...
concept, argument, theory
Caroline Nevejan –
In 1989 and 1990 the basic structures for producing networked events were not clear at all. I assume that this is why the notion of ...
concept, argument, conclusion, theory
Caroline Nevejan –
Presence, I argue, is one of the major determinants in the negotiation of trust and truth. Because of the development of technology we ...
Caroline Nevejan –
Rop Gonggrijp, reporting about this session, cites a contribution from Mexico to this debate, in which a comparison was made to the ...
specific, general history
Caroline Nevejan –
This study aims to contribute to design as research from the perspective of the social sciences. In 1993 the graphical interface to the ...
description, collective history, general history
Caroline Nevejan –
The GHP and the 0+Ball were two of the first events in a range of gatherings, and an inspiration to networks that still exist today like ...
argument, collective history
Caroline Nevejan –
One thing that did not take place at the GHP was a videoconference between Paradiso and Siggraph in Washington and some people in San ...
Caroline Nevejan –
Apart from the radio and the network, which will be discussed below, we also highlighted the connection between Paradiso and San ...
description, conclusion
Caroline Nevejan –
Synchronization between different locations of mediated presence and synchronization between natural and mediated presence creates ...
concept, argument, theory
Caroline Nevejan –
The concept of media schemata is crucial for research into the domain of designing presence in environments where technology plays a ...
Caroline Nevejan –
Diagram 2: In one communication trajectory information and communication pass through different media spaces
Caroline Nevejan –
Natural presence is distinct and grounds ethical behaviour in one's own, as well as other people's, survival. Mediated presence can ...
description, argument, general history
Caroline Nevejan –
The first group of surveillance and identification technologies that I will consider is concerned with the monitoring of physical ...
description, methodology, personal history, collective history
Caroline Nevejan –
The way a networked event, which happens in the public domain, is evaluated is very different to how a scientific experiment is ...
description, argument, collective history, general history, key-informants
Caroline Nevejan –
Because I was curious to find out what I had actually witnessed I did some research via the Internet in the spring of 2006 and found ...
description, argument
Caroline Nevejan –
When considering the physical clash between intention and realization in mediated presence, the question is whether the feedback from ...
description, concept, argument, theory
Caroline Nevejan –
YUTPA provides a conscious description of the Time, Space, Action and You configuration of a certain product or process, in which ...
description, question
Caroline Nevejan –
In 1999 I started working for the University of Professional Education in Amsterdam and through this institution I was involved in the ...
Caroline Nevejan –
While the network was down, Lee Felsenstein gave his keynote speech about the computer as a tool for democracy, emphasizing the quality ...
definition, specific
Caroline Nevejan –
The word 'trust' in the title of the dissertation points to the qualitative standards for the settings of social interaction I intend to ...
Caroline Nevejan, Irma –
When I am confronted by a stranger on my path, I have to know whether he is really there and whether he will attack me or not. I have to ...
Caroline Nevejan –
The 'edit group' was located in a dressing room next to the server room and had regular problems posting its work on the GHP net. The ...
description, methodology, subjective, collective history
Caroline Nevejan –
Throughout the months of May and June many commitments were met: raising the funds from the ministry of Education, Culture and Sciences ...
description, concept
Caroline Nevejan –
When the writer and the printer discuss their shared product, which is the result of both their acts, they will need to have a certain ...
proposal, argument, conclusion
Caroline Nevejan –
In design trajectories the formulation of design requirements is a crucial phase. In the design requirements the formulation takes place ...
Caroline Nevejan –
In the afternoon, while Paradiso was filled with hackers having a great time, the edit group and some other people gathered to draw up ...
Caroline Nevejan –
In order to address the previously formulated intentions this study has to be an exploratory study, since a theory about the social ...
Caroline Nevejan –
The culture and tradition of Paradiso guarantee a quality and a certain edge. As a producer I would use the fact that Paradiso is ...
concept, argument, conclusion
Caroline Nevejan –
The fact that I called this section trustworthiness instead of just trust implies an interaction. Trust is not a given, it is something ...
description, collective history, techno-biography
Caroline Nevejan –
The 0+Network itself and all the communication and information it facilitated does not exist anymore. Only some printed emails and ...
description, conclusion
Caroline Nevejan –
Conveying trustworthiness is crucial when working together online. The design of presence, when and how people meet, and when they ...
concept, argument, theory
Caroline Nevejan –
In Science and Technology Studies the complexity of such arrangements in which nature, culture and technology are deeply interwoven, is ...
Caroline Nevejan –
Diagram 3: What is communicated in which way via which medium, and how these influence each other, is often unclear.
Caroline Nevejan –
Before analysing the case studies I was inclined to think that we, as human beings, were dealing with multiple presences that each have ...
description, citation, argument, general history
Caroline Nevejan, Steve Wright, Glyn Ford, Valerie Steeves –
Digital behaviour is also monitored. By gathering and analysing server information the behaviour and the actions of online identities ...
description, collective history
Caroline Nevejan –
To create good infrastructures is an art in itself. It requires a lot of technical insights about technology, finance and the behaviour ...
Caroline Nevejan –
In the Wau-Pengo debate Pengo argued that the difference between intelligence and commercial enterprise was not that great. The story of ...
concept, argument
Caroline Nevejan –
There is also a possible third physical clash, which is triggered by the infrastructure of information and communication technologies. ...
concept, argument, theory
Caroline Nevejan –
Processes of purification and mediation occur in every YUTPA because all YUTPA's also function in the context of one another. In his ...
description, personal history, collective history, question
Caroline Nevejan –
A last crucial influence that I will discuss in my approach and my understanding of the research question "How to design presence ...
Caroline Nevejan –
In his account of these demonstrations Rop Gonggrijp reported that the amazing feature of these networks is that people, who are ...
proposal, methodology, specific
Caroline Nevejan –
While conducting the research I found that I needed to make trust operational from the pragmatic perspective of individual human beings. ...
description, argument, parresia
Caroline Nevejan –
For survival, the blurring between real and unreal situations is problematic at first sight. When one needs to act for survival one has ...
Caroline Nevejan –
The morning was supposed to be taken up with an in depth talk by Professor Hamelink, Professor Boafo and their students about the ...
description, collective history
Caroline Nevejan –
As with the GHP, the financial situation of the 0+Ball was extremely low budget. All participants more or less financed their own ...
description, argument, theory
Caroline Nevejan –
At this stage in the development of the analysis of the thinking actor I would like to make a connection to the notion of ...
proposal, argument, theory
Caroline Nevejan –
Every YUTPA possesses possibilities for action and distinct possibilities for feedback that designers can use. Also, an action in one ...
Caroline Nevejan –
At four o'clock that afternoon we received a telegram announcing that all telephone lines in Paradiso would be shut down, because we had ...
description, methodology, subjective, key-informants, parresia, techno-biography, text laboratory
Caroline Nevejan –
Using the text as the laboratory one does need to find cues for validity though. While writing I have focused on creating inner validity ...
description, collective history, general history
Caroline Nevejan –
Paradiso is a former church in the centre of Amsterdam, which was squatted in 1968 note 82 . Since the early days music and debate from ...
description, argument, subjective, collective history
Caroline Nevejan –
Once the programme had been drawn up, we had to reach out for our audience. It is a question of finding the right tone in the right ...
citation, argument, collective history
Caroline Nevejan –
Below I will first quote three printed emails that I found in the personal Folders and the Proceedings and discuss the elements I find ...
description, conclusion
Caroline Nevejan –
In communities, organizations and societies people negotiate trust and truth and witnessed presence contributes to this process ...
description, concept
Caroline Nevejan –
Among the crowds that characterize the many urban environments we distinguish 'the mass' and 'people we know'. We perceive the presence ...
Caroline Nevejan –
Before describing the cases I will first sketch the context in which they were conceived. Each case study is what I will call a ...
Caroline Nevejan –
Through mediating presence one can reach out to another human being in different time/space configurations, which a meeting in natural ...
description, argument
Caroline Nevejan –
Internet facilitates the storage and exchange of text, images, sound, music, film, radio and live broadcasts. With over one billion ...
description, methodology, collective history
Caroline Nevejan –
When creating a networked event, one is also designing time. Dramatic events change our sense of time. A minute of pain or a minute of a ...
description, methodology, collective history, general history
Caroline Nevejan –
The 0+Ball was organized with many partners and it had a variety of issues it wanted to address, as will become clear later. The ...
description, argument
Caroline Nevejan –
Once the work has been done a confrontation follows regarding the costs of the work (personal and financial) and also the confrontation ...
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