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description, specific, general history


Culture requires a certain infrastructure out of which the culture can evolve. Apart from the sharing of time a culture also needs an infrastructure consisting of spaces, tools, raw materials and a dynamic in which skills and knowledge are exchanged. The case studies that I will discuss built upon the cultural infrastructure and political climate of Amsterdam in the 1980s and early 1990s.

  • description, general history

    Dutch politics

    Caroline Nevejan –

    Amsterdam, the capital of the social democracy of the Netherlands, had a marked climate of tolerance at the time; for centuries, and ...

  • description, collective history, general history

    A new form of public sphere

    Caroline Nevejan –

    The GHP and the 0+Ball were two of the first events in a range of gatherings, and an inspiration to networks that still exist today like ...

  • description, concept, methodology, collective history

    Production houses for art and technology

    Caroline Nevejan –

    The two case studies were produced in the context of Paradiso and in collaboration with many other partners in Amsterdam and abroad. It ...