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Robert Peagler

Rob is currently a Senior Associate at the strateguc design firm Matter ( Rob co-founded the Design Studio for Social Intervention. As Principal and Design Practice & Organizational Research lead, Rob guided the Studio in applying design thinking to the resolution of intractable social problems. Rob’s other previous work includes organization design, change management, user research, market research and information architecture. Past clients and employers include the Market Analysis & Strategy Group at IBM Research, the Cynefin Centre for Organizational Complexity (now Cognitive Edge, LLC), Razorfish Inc., the Southern Poverty Law Center, Brooklyn’s Park Slope Food Coop, the MIT Center for Reflective Community Practice and the Seasons Fund for Social Transformation.

Rob is a core collaborator on the echo::system transdisciplinary art/science project and is an Associate Researcher with London’s SMARTlab practice based arts research group.

Rob picked-up some basic theoretical tools while working on a Bachelor of Arts in Semiotics at Brown University. In the course of grounding that theory in practice, he went on to earn a Masters of Fine Arts and a Masters of Library Science, both from the State University of New York Albany.