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Presence Research is not a formal academic discipline, but it is a field of study in the sense that presence researchers know how to find each other; it is subject of magazines, conferences, research grants, publications and it has been an official research programme of the European Commission since 1998. Presence research is an interdisciplinary field that takes insights from physics, mathematics, biology, neurology, artificial intelligence, psychology, cybernetics, anthropology and also art. It is used by some researchers as an inspiration. Research into presence takes place in the military and entertainment industries, in the computer, telecom and network industries and in the arts. Every one of these domains has its own jargon, its own taxonomies. They have different reasons for doing the research, different targets to achieve, and also different funding structures. Nevertheless, results from the different fields are also meaningful and sometimes even shared with other fields.

  • description, methodology, collective history

    Military research:changing scales

    Caroline Nevejan –

    Military research into presence has to be mentioned here first, even though I do not intend to elaborate upon it. That would require ...

  • description, methodology, collective history

    Art as research: to sense the here and there

    Caroline Nevejan –

    In annual international art events like Ars Electronica note 44 , DEAF note 45 , ISEA note 46 , artists present their latest work in ...

  • description, citation, specific, conclusion

    A science of trade-offs

    Caroline Nevejan –

    Wijnand IJsselsteijn, researcher at TU Eindhoven, has been involved with the European Presence programme and has been responsible for ...

  • description, methodology, collective history

    Industrial and commercial research: to market new experiences

    Caroline Nevejan –

    In the media labs of large technological corporations around the world, and especially and foremost in the USA, the mediation of ...

  • description, methodology, collective history

    European Research: to measure being there

    Caroline Nevejan –

    In science as in the arts a lot of research has been carried out that can be understood as presence research even though it has not been ...

  • proposal, citation, argument, conclusion

    Three presences

    Caroline Nevejan –

    IJsselsteijn also makes the following observation about the future: "With more advanced media, it will become increasingly hard to ...