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"«" 169 ... 192 / 267 "»"
  • note 111

    Lee Felsenstein has been involved with computers and Internet since the early seventies at Berkeley, University of California. He was a ...

  • note 97

    The thousand professors and teachers of the University for Professional Education in Amsterdam participated in a three day event in ...

  • note 222

    Terry Shinn analysed the practice in three labs in chemistry, computer and physics and concluded that hierarchy, also in processes of ...

  • note 214

    I will not discuss the effect of mass media like television in this study. However, when discussing mental maps, the effect of mass ...

  • note 109

    Captain Crunch is the alias of John Draper, a famous hacker and phone phreak from the Unites States. He had been sent to prison several ...

  • note 104

    Today Geert Lovink is a respected scholar in media theory, published by MIT Press and founder/director of the Institute for Network ...

  • note 24

    In the Netherlands the formal commission Posthumus II was established in 2006 to investigate whether to re-open certain court cases in ...

  • note 55

    The implications of the research of Steels and his colleagues reach much further than I am capable of discussing because I have a very ...

  • note 11

    In the transcript of Foucault’s lecture Plutarch is cited in a footnote: “A good plan, as it seems to me (É) is that which painters ...

  • note 224

    Zeno’s paradox (called the theory of limits in mathematics) states that you can never move from here to there because you can only get ...

  • note 90

    I do not address the issue of multiple identities, which is one of the perspectives on current complex social reality and issue based ...

  • note 93

    Patrice Riemens, who was 38 at the time, was originally a scholar in social geography. Over the last decade he has inspired media theory ...

  • note 191

    I will not elaborate here on ideas about the presence of the virus as proven through medical technology. The actions and thinking of ACT ...

  • note 168

    Through conversations with people from the HIV Vereniging, we understood that the term Zero-Positive Ball would not be appreciated ...

  • note 94

    The Chaos Computer Club was founded in 1981 by former 1960s activists Wau Holland and others who were concerned about the prominent role ...

  • note 92

    Rop Gonggrijp, who was 21 at the time, founded the hacker magazine Hack-Tic in early 1989, and Hack-Tic Network in 1990. Later, in ...

  • note 20

    John Law and Vicky Singleton, writing about liver disease caused by alcohol abuse, describe objects as a set of relationships that both ...

  • note 213

    Do children who spend hours in online environments develop different kinds of cognitive skills to children who play at a playground? ...

  • note 2

    On the initiative of Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt the original text of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was written in 1948 by ...

  • note 208

    With more and more normal people being televised in reality shows, news items, game shows etc. these ‘normal’ people have to deal ...

  • note 200

    Annette Verster comments here that this was the way the Dutch policy initiatives in the 1980s operated concerning AIDS. Stakeholders ...

  • note 226

    During the 0+Ball and the GHP this could sometimes be sensed. The first time that I fully realised the power of synchronization was ...

  • note 231

    In 2005 I had the opportunity to visit several Indian multinational companies, which were specialized in out-sourcing. In the ‘social ...

  • note 19

    ‘The ‘amazing acceptance’ refers to the billions of people who have watched television around the world for the last few decades, ...

"«" 169 ... 192 / 267 "»"